Alternative to swissknife
Alternative to swissknife

In this long bull market, I’ve met people who have held cash for years, waiting for the ideal opportunity to buy. Often, they also hold some cash and wait for a dip to buy more of the index fund. Let me explain… Stop Trying to Time the Dip Instead, I’ll focus on another use of the Swiss Army knife of trading… Buying index funds on the cheap, and getting paid for the privilege. (Though, there’s plenty of that in store.) So, for now, I’ll skip telling you about how I use options to benefit from price moves.

alternative to swissknife

Unless this is your first-ever issue of True Options Masters, it’s safe to assume you already know a thing or two about trading options. So I don’t make as much use of it these days.


That knife still raises eyebrows among the other moms, but the full Leatherman would lead to social exile, even out here in the wild west of Wyoming. Now I keep my Leatherman in the truck and carry a Swiss Army knife in my purse. In my post-military life, I do make some concessions to fashion. Within days of enlisting, I learned about the importance of a multitool, and I used my Leatherman multiple times a day in the Iraqi desert and other places I was deployed. Basically, it is a save-the-day kind of tool.

alternative to swissknife alternative to swissknife

If you’re not familiar with a Leatherman, it’s like a pocket knife with a pair of pliers and additional tools stored in the handles. When I was in the military, I always had a Leatherman clipped to my belt. There’s no better way to inaugurate my pages in TOM than with a discussion of my favorite trading tool: put selling.

Alternative to swissknife